What does 'Ether' mean?

In Ayurvedic medicine, ether (also known as “akasha” or “akash”) is one of the five fundamental elements that make up the universe, along with air, fire, water, and earth. It is said to be the principle of space and is associated with the sense of hearing.
In the human body, ether is believed to govern the cavities and spaces, such as the joints and the cranial cavity. Imbalances in ether can manifest as problems with the ears, nose, and throat, as well as issues with mobility and flexibility.
Spiritual elements
In Ayurveda, the universe is made up of five elements: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. These elements are not just physical substances but also have a subtle, spiritual aspect. Ether is considered the subtlest and most spiritual of the elements. It is associated with the sense of hearing and is said to govern the cavities and spaces in the body, like the joints and the cranial cavity.
Ether is also believed to be the principle of space, and it is through ether that the other elements are able to exist and function. In the body, ether is said to be responsible for maintaining the proper distance and spacing between cells and organs, as well as for providing a “container” for the other elements.
Imbalances in ether can manifest in a variety of ways, including problems with the ears, nose, and throat, as well as issues with mobility and flexibility. For example, too much ether can make you stiff and unable to move, while too little can make you weak and unstable.
To maintain balance in the ether, Ayurveda recommends practices such as yoga and meditation, which can help to expand and open the body’s cavities and spaces. Certain foods, for example, pungent and bitter foods, are also said to balance the ether by promoting movement and circulation.
Keep in mind that Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine, and these concepts are based on ancient Indian texts. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of ether or the other elements in the body.
Ether (lack of something)
In Ayurveda, ether (or “akasha” in Sanskrit) is one of the five elements that make up the universe, along with air, fire, water, and earth. Ether is considered to be the element of space and is often described as the “lack of something” or the “absence of matter.”
It is associated with the sense of hearing and the ability to perceive sound and is considered to be the subtlest of the five elements. In the human body, ether is thought to be present in the spaces between cells and organs and is believed to be associated with the mind and consciousness.